I had this subject during my Year 2 of polytechnic. There was 'Drafting 1' in the first semester and 'Drafting 2' in the second semester.
For the first few assignments we learnt the basics of how to create a draft and the using of drafting tools. As the subject went on, I advanced to learn how to draft different necklines, darts, types of sleeves, types of pants and many more. We submitted physical masterplans. However for our final assignment, we had to submit a digital file. Here are some of them.
For the first assignment we had to create a blouse. The requirements were to include 2 darts, sleeves, a collar and a button opening. (I did not have a photo of it but I had a video instead.)
For the final assignment, we had to draft and create a jacket. The requirements for the jacket includes any type of lapel, darts, pockets, a button opening, a vent and it has to be fully lined. I had to make the jacket toilé and the actual garment for submission.
This is the final look of the jacket. The pockets are double welted, lapels are notched and rounded, inside is fully lined.
This is me wearing it!